
Pictures, Paintings, and Photographs of the Month Archive

February 2025: Edvard Munch, "The Sun"

January 2025: Ono Yuko, "Metamorphose 2"

December 2024: Alex Colville, "Traveller"

November 2024: Gabriele Munter, "Breakfast of the Birds"

October 2024: Fred Hsu, "Taiwain 2009 East Coast ShihTiPing Giant Stone Steps Algae" From Wikimedia

September 2024: Carl Larsson, "Harvesting Ice"

August 2024: Botticelli, "Young Man Holding a Roundel"

July 2024: "The Little Street", Johnannes Vermeer

June 2024: "Jacob and the Angel", Sir Jacob Epstein

May 2024: "Cityscape #1", Richard Diebenkorn

April 2024: "Saturn", Cassini Orbiter (2004)

March 2024: "The El and Snow", Dong Kingman

February 2024: "Saint Jerome in his Study", Durer

January 2024: "The Stonemason's Yard", Canaletto

December 2023: "The Milliners", Theresa F. Bernstein

Inagural: "Practice Makes Perfect", Unknown Artist, Iran, c. 1625